Wellness Weekly

Your weekly source for articles designed to enhance your health and wellness

Healthy You

5 Tips for Starting your Day on a Positive Note

How we feel in the morning can have a lasting impact throughout the day! Make each day great with a few of our favourite tips below. Mindset Your mindset in the morning can have a lasting affect on the rest of your day. Do you ever take the time to check in with yourself in the morning? This c...

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Health Literacy | Healthy You

The Benefits of Podiatry

Have you ever wondered how a Podiatrist or Chiropodist could benefit you? Keep reading for an introduction into this Health Practitioner! Podiatry, as the name hints at, is the study, diagnosis, and treatment of conditions of the foot, ankle, heel. A chiropodist helps prevent and heal conditions...

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Healthy You

Nutritious Foods to Eat to Stay Energized Throughout the Day

What we eat has an impact on how we feel. Keep reading to learn more about specific foods that keep us feeling energized and productive all day long. As we start a new year and enter back into familiar, or perhaps refreshed routines, we might be feeling like we need an extra boost ...

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Healthy You

Whole Health and Wellness in 2021

Happy New Year! How are you going to continue your wellness journey as we enter a new year? Keep reading for a few of our tips! It's no secret that 2020 has not gone as expected... it brought many changes, most likely a few challenges, and hopefully a few successes. Most importantly, it showed h...

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Healthy You

How to Stay Active in the Winter – and have fun doing it!

With the weather warming up this week, we encourage you to get outside and play. Along with cold weather comes a likeliness to spend more time indoors. But spending time outside can be just as fun in both the warm summer months and the cold winter months. Here are our tips for staying active in ...

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Healthy You

8 Festive & Nutritious Recipes for the Holiday Season

Looking for some kitchen inspiration this holiday season? Keep reading for a few tasty recipes with a fun holiday twist! Holidays are often a time to indulge in family favourite dishes. Although it is amazing to eat holiday favourites throughout the season, it's sometimes nice to mix in a few re...

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