Wellness Weekly

Your weekly source for articles designed to enhance your health and wellness

Health Literacy | Healthy You

The Amazing Benefits of Massage Therapy

Ever wondered what Massage Therapy can do for you? Keep reading to learn all about the benefits of Massage Therapy. Massage therapy, as the name suggests, is the use of specific massage techniques to manipulate muscles for a variety of outcomes and benefits. And don’t let the name ...

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Healthy You

Eating Healthy While on Vacation

Our tips for keeping it healthy on holidays, without missing out on everything your vacation spot has to offer. Eating out on vacation is a given for almost every holiday. This is both a fun part of being away, but also can be stressful for those wanting to stick to their healthy eating habits. ...

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Healthy You

9 Activities for Making this Holiday Season Memorable

Feeling festive? Get in the holiday spirit with a few of the activities below! Send out Christmas Cards Stay connected and show a little love to your friends and family with Christmas cards! A physical card to display in the house is especially meaningful this year when we might not be able to...

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Healthy at Work | Healthy You

Tips for Staying Healthy at Work

Are you taking care at work? Keep reading for our tips on staying well at while working. Use your vacation days and time off options This year has brought many changes, one of them being how we view our vacation and holiday days. Saving up our holidays to jet off to a new destination has not b...

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Tips for the Travelling Student

Travelling while being a student might seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to! Check out these 6 tips to make travelling while being a student a little bit easier. 1. Don’t let your financial situation hold you back It is a common to think, “Travelling is too expensive.” Travelling is an expens...

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The Go Out and Play Challenge is exactly what we need right now

Saskatchewan in motion's Challenge aims to keep us all active in a time where staying healthy is paramount The days are getting shorter, the weather is getting colder, and as the pandemic continues, it's getting more difficult to stay motivated to be active. Now more than ever, it's important to...

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