Wellness Weekly

Your weekly source for articles designed to enhance your health and wellness

Health Literacy | Healthy You

Why a visit to a Chiropractor is much more than getting your back cracked

Read on to learn how this health practitioner can improve your overall health. All too often, many people visit the doctor’s office because of pain related to the neck and lower back. While pain-relievers and medication provide temporary relief, there’s another solution that may actually target ...

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Healthy You

Fraud Prevention & You

Benefits fraud affects us all - here's what you can do to help prevent it. What is benefits fraud and abuse? Benefits fraud and abuse is the misuse or overuse of a benefits plan, most commonly for the purposes of financial gain. That might mean someone is using their plan in a way other than th...

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Healthy You

The Beginner’s Guide to Nutrition

Not sure where to start when it comes to understanding nutrition? We've got you covered. You may find the science behind nutrition to be intimidating with terms like 'macronutrients' or complicated nutrition content claims. Don't be afraid! Eating more healthful foods isn't an all or nothing gam...

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Healthy You

The Benefits of Journaling

Have you always been interested in the idea of journaling, but haven’t got around to it? If you need a reason to start, there are many benefits to doing so. It's Valentine's Day! In the celebration of love, take some time to show yourself a little love by giving journaling a try. Journaling is...

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Healthy You

6 Ways to Maintain Your Wellness Journey in 2021

Take action on your wellness journey this year! Keep reading for a few of our favourite tips for maintaining your journey to whole health and wellness. In 2020, many changes forced us to adapt and adjust how we took care of ourselves. Our routines were interrupted and new routines were formed. W...

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Healthy You

Fun Activities to Embrace this Winter

Don't let the cold weather get you down - winter in Saskatchewan can be amazing! Keep reading for a list of some of our favourite winter activities. It's no secret that winter in Saskatchewan is very cold and can feel like it lasts for ages. Instead of dreading the cold weather, try embracing it...

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