
How Saskatchewan Blue Cross Takes Care & How YOU can Take Care Too

Hear from our staff about how they participate in self-care.

We sincerely hope you have enjoyed our content this month focusing on different aspects of self-care. To end off the month, we’re excited to share different ways our staff engage in self-care, as well as share a few tips about how you can engage in self-care yourself!

“For me self-care is about taking time to enjoy the little things in life. Treating yourself to small ‘joys’ periodically throughout the week, month, year. For me that means ordering my favourite pizza once in a while, having a hot tub with friends, or booking a massage when I need to relax.”

“For me self-care is about making myself laugh. Whether it is writing new bits for when I do stand up comedy, or rewriting the lyrics to songs in a Weird Al Yankovic sort of way, I find that humour heals my soul.”

“For me self-care is spending time with my family. I love building Mega Blocks towers with my son in our living room. It’s fun to see him learn new skills, try building new designs and it also forces me to be present in the moment. I also love getting some fresh air by playing disc golf. Playing a game while getting in a walk is a great way to not even realize that I’m getting exercise. I can also bring my son who can walk and then go in his sleigh when he gets tired of walking. The best is when my wife joins and also brings our dog out to join in on the fun. It’s a good time for the whole family!”

“For me self-care is caring for others. For the last 2 years I have met twice a month with a child who lives in group homes. Along with one of my sons, we spend time together, whether it be sledding in the winter, learning to code at the library or spending time scooting on the paved trails down by the river. I believe it is important to care for those that may have a bit of a tougher time in life than I did as I grew up.”

“For me, self-care can look like a variety of things! I try to work out every weekday, even if I can only manage to squeeze in a few squats in my living room. On Sunday nights I read a book while having a bubble bath to relax before the craziness of the week starts. Also, if I’m feeling overwhelmed or just off at work, I use an app to do a short guided meditation session in one of the quiet rooms. The app I use is called Youper!”

“For me, self-care is spending time with the people closest to me. Every week I look forward to spending Sunday nights with my family enjoying and nice meal and visiting. I also love to spend time with my friends whenever we can. With busy schedules, we take the opportunities we can get to spend time together. Whether that is going out for a nice dinner or relaxing with snacks and movies at home.”

How to keep a self-care mentality

Now that you have heard a little bit about how we take care, check out the tips below for how to maintain a self-care mentality in your own life.

Small steps can lead to big outcomes. If indulging in self-care feels like an overwhelming task, take it slow! You don’t have to try and pack in a rigorous workout, a trip to the grocery store, preparing a healthy meal, followed by a face mask and a DIY manicure all in one night. Small actions a day can lead to sustainable habits over time. Start off with one activity that inspires wellness; it doesn’t have to be an all or nothing approach.

Get to know yourself. Figuring out those activities that charge your battery is a great way to participate in self-care. Do you like to relax in a warm bubble bath, or is a night out with friends something you need? Once you figure out what makes you happy, start to integrate these activities into your week. Even better if you plan it out to make that activity a part of your routine.

Shift your focus – take self-care being another thing you have to check off your to-do list, to being something you GET to do. It’s easy to think that your time can be better spent doing more productive things rather than taking time to do something you enjoy. Shifting your focus to think about self-care as a treat can help to inspire you to keep participating in self-care all year long.

Remember to love yourself. Be kind to yourself. Be patient with yourself. Just like anything, getting good at self-care takes practice. One week you might be great at taking the time to take care of yourself, and the next you might fall short. It’s okay!

Let us help you take care of yourself! A Personal Health Plan from Saskatchewan Blue Cross includes coverage for health practitioners such as massage therapists and chiropractors, and can also provide coverage for vision, dental and prescription drugs. Visit our website today to learn more.