
Navigating the Saskatchewan healthcare system

The Canadian healthcare system is complex, and it can be even more confusing with differences between provinces. We’re here to provide a breakdown of the Saskatchewan health care system to help you understand what’s covered by your Saskatchewan health card.


The Saskatchewan Health Care System is made up of many different organizations that all work together to provide care to Saskatchewan residents. These organizations include those at a provincial, regional, and local level. The Minister of Health oversees the strategic direction of the entire system, while the Ministry of Health oversees and co-ordinates the delivery of health services in the province.

Most services are delivered through the Saskatchewan Health Authority, their affiliated organizations, and the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency. Other organizations include: eHealth Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations, and 3sHealth.

To read more on the administration of the health care system in Saskatchewan, click here.

Getting started with Saskatchewan health benefits

As a Saskatchewan resident, you have access to health coverage benefits. Saskatchewan Health is the province’s public health insurance program, covering medically required services. To receive health benefits, all Saskatchewan residents must register themselves and their dependents for a Saskatchewan health Card. You are eligible to register if you live in the province at least five months a year. If you’re not sure about your eligibility, click here for more information.

To obtain a Saskatchewan Health Card, you must apply through eHealth Saskatchewan (eHealth Saskatchewan is responsible for developing and implementing the Electronic health Record (EHR) for Saskatchewan). Click here to get started.

Coverage Received through Saskatchewan Health

Fully Covered Services

  • All medically necessary services provided by physician and hospital services. This includes visits to physicians’ offices, x-ray and laboratory services, diagnostic and surgical procedures and other inpatient or outpatient hospital care.
  • Physiotherapy or occupational therapy
  • Screening mammography for women aged 50 to 69
  • Immunization services
  • Sexually transmitted infections (STI) treatment
  • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Testing
  • Services for treating alcohol and drug abuse problems
  • Mental health services
  • Problem gambling services

Partially Covered Services

  • Air Ambulance Service
  • Senior Citizen’s Ambulance Assistance
  • Home Care
  • Long-Term Care
  • Dental services
  • Optometric services
  • Prescription Drugs
  • Saskatchewan Aids to Independent Living (SAIL) Program

For a full list of benefits that are provided under Saskatchewan Health, click here. As a reminder, not all health services are covered under Saskatchewan Health. To ensure you’re covered for all of your medical needs, supplementing your provincial coverage with additional health insurance will confirm you and your family are protected against unexpected medical expenses. You can learn more about available coverage here.

Additional Health Services Provided to Saskatchewan Residents

Along with the Saskatchewan Health coverage, there are additional services that Saskatchewan residents have access to, including:

  • HealthLine
  • Immunization services
  • Medical imaging services
  • Mental health and addiction support services
  • Patient and family advisor program
  • Therapy services

For a full list of health related services that are available to you, click here. ­­­