
Tips for the Travelling Student

Travelling while being a student might seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to! Check out these 6 tips to make travelling while being a student a little bit easier.

1. Don’t let your financial situation hold you back

It is a common to think, “Travelling is too expensive.” Travelling is an expense that can easily add up, but planning and breaking down the costs can show that it can be done! When picking your next travel destination, it is important to look at the whole picture, not just the cost of air fare. Sometimes those destinations that are more expensive to get to, are some of the cheapest places to stay for long periods. It is important to look at all aspects of the trip: accommodations, food, transportation, and activities. Figuring out and budgeting the cost of each day can help you decide where your next travel destination is and how long you want to stay.

Another tip for travelling on a budget is to bring your student card with you. There are many different places that offer discounts to students. Some common ones include transportation, tours, and museums. Not all places will recognize your student card as valid, so to ensure you don’t miss out on these discounts, get the International Student Identity Card.

2. Talk to other students who have traveled

If you are new to travelling, one way to get some great advice is to talk to someone who has done it before; even better if they have been to the same destination that you are about to visit! As amazing as travelling is, there are always going to be mishaps along the way – a missed train, a lost wallet, or getting lost in a foreign city. Hearing firsthand accounts of how people who are like you handled these situations can help alleviate some stress.

Along with hearing about potential stressful situations, talking with others will also provide ideas for some amazing places to see! Perhaps there is a lesser known restaurant or an amazing view that someone has found. Also asking how they stuck to their budget is a great advice; they could have encountered some unforeseen expenses that you could prepare for!

3. Make friends with other travelers

Whether you are travelling alone, or with a group, meeting other travelers is a great way to make some amazing memories. Finding people who also want to go adventuring only adds to the fun! Remember even if you are shy, making friends while travelling is a common practice; everyone is in the same boat as you, so put yourself out there!

A great way to meet other travelers is to stay in a hostel; there are many hostels in destinations all over the world (looking on HostelWorld is a great place to start). Hostels are also cheaper than regular hotels, so this is a great way to save some money. If you do your research you will find there are some great hostels that can have that hotel feel, without the hotel budget!

4. Bring the right luggage

Your luggage is something that you are going to be dealing with every day, sometimes multiple times a day. Whether you are backpacking in Europe, or staying at a resort, ensuring that your luggage is going to work with you can make travelling from point A to point B, easier. To get you thinking about what kind of luggage to bring, ask yourself these questions:

  • Is it easy enough to carry? What about on cobble stone streets?
  • Can you look through it easily without unpacking the whole thing?
  • Do you risk overpacking and making it too heavy?
  • Did you bring a smaller bag to take out on day trips?

After you have picked the perfect bag and packed it with all your things, remembering to look after your belongings is important. This includes your valuables such as your extra cash and passport, but also your entire luggage set for the duration of the trip. You don’t want to be worrying about your luggage when you are out sightseeing, so making sure your luggage is safe will allow you to enjoy your holiday.

5. Stay connected

Staying connected while travelling is important. This doesn’t mean being on your phone 24/7, but rather using your phone to look up directions, read restaurant reviews, take pictures, inquire about tour information, and contacting your friends and family back home.

Connecting to your personal data plan while travelling can be very expensive, and Wifi is not always an option. One way to stay connected is to look into buying a local SIM card. Many destinations have the option of buying a SIM card for a decent price. It is common to buy a SIM card with a certain amount of data to use for a certain amount of days (different cellular carriers have different options). If buying a SIM card is not your thing, a tip is to download information you can access while you are away from Wifi; an example is downloading a Google maps page, or your favourite show on Netflix to watch on the train.

Another piece of advice is to bring a backup device. This is especially important when travelling by yourself. Have an old phone laying around? Bring it with you. You will be thanking yourself if your phone gets stolen, damaged, or lost. This is where knowing where to buy a local SIM card could come in handy.

Also don’t forget to check what electrical outlet your destination uses! You will most likely have to buy a converter (and it will be much cheaper to find one at home rather than when your already there). Buying a backup mobile charger is also a good idea.

6. Buy travel insurance

Although, travel insurance might feel like an expense that you do not want to incur, it is a necessary one. With Saskatchewan Blue Cross, Daily Travel insurance starts at $2.14/day. This is a great option if you are planning a short-term holiday, but if you are studying abroad, there is travel insurance for international students starting at $40/month.

Travel insurance is important to ensure a stress-free holiday. The peace of mind knowing you are covered for the unexpected, will allow you to enjoy your time travelling! Trip insurance from Saskatchewan Blue Cross includes:

  • Hospital Services
  • Health Care Professionals
  • Transportation
  • Prescription & Treatments
  • Emergency Dental

International Student (for longer term stays) coverage from Saskatchewan Blue Cross includes:

  • Accidental Death and Dismemberment
  • Hospital Services
  • Health Care Professionals
  • Transportation
  • Prescription & Treatments

Wherever your next destination is, follow these tips to help ensure smooth sailing. Your adventure awaits!